December 2022
A Note from the Dean
Dear Colleagues,
I hope that your break for gratitude last week was restful and restorative. Here is one final newsletter of 2022 to start to close out the Fall term and get us ready for the Winter term.
First, enormous thanks to all of you for continuing your excellent teaching efforts with our students in classrooms, laboratories, libraries, stages, and athletic fields. We are nothing without you all. Thank you!
Second, please join us for the wonderful prepared sessions in Winter Academy. Sign up here: With the generous support of the duPont Foundation, the Dean's Office is sponsoring a few workshops on December 12-13 led by Bryan Dewsbury, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Florida International University. He is a renowned educator on inclusive pedagogies and has planned a great exploratory series for us. Please join us! [Note that we will provide lunch to attendees. The lunch is meant to be a moment to reflect and socialize with our colleagues, so it isn't listed.]
Third, join me in thanking our colleagues Karla Murdock (Ballengee Professor of CBSC), Genelle Gertz (Broadus Professor of English), Andrea Lepage (Simpson Professor of Art History), and Rebecca Benefiel (Urquhart Term Professor of Classics) for the wonderful series of lectures in honor of their recent appointments to endowed chairs! We were treated to fascinating glimpses into their scholarly pursuits and open demonstrations of their teaching prowess.
We look forward to seeing you at the Undergraduate Faculty Meeting on Monday, December 5th at Stackhouse at 4:00pm. We have important business to conduct and snacks to eat (I have heard a rumor there will be cupcakes!).
Best wishes for clear and smooth pathways through the coming weeks.
Come help us celebrate Tahri Phillips as Rhodes Scholar
We will gather in the Commons Living Room on Monday, December 5, 3-4PM to celebrate the accomplishments of Tahri Phillips. Tahri is among the class of 2023 Rhodes Scholars and plans to pursue a master's degree in evidence-based social intervention and policy evaluation at the University of Oxford. There will be snacks and lemonade to go around.
Pencil this in! Three More Endowed Professorship Talks Coming This Winter Term
Good news! We're excited to inform you of the three endowed professorship talks coming this winter term. Add them all to your calendar now and don't miss any of these opportunities to celebrate our colleagues by attending these sure to be intriguing and thought-provoking lectures.
January 25, 2023, 5:30pm, Northen Auditorium, Parmly Professor of Physics Irina Mazilu
March 6, 2023, 6:00pm, Northen Auditorium, John Lucian Smith, Jr. Memorial Term Professor of English Edward Adams
March 22, 2023, 6:00pm, Chavis 105, Cincinnati Professorship of Mathematics Alan McRae
Science Advisory Board Success!
This year's Science Advisory Board meeting was an all-around success. We welcomed alumni board members from across the country while a handful zoomed in from other states. A full day of presentations and productive discussions was enjoyed by all. STEM students benefited from their sage wisdom and career advice.
Assistant Professor Cory Colbert delivered the Nobel Symposium lecture on the Fields Medal winners in mathematics for 2022.
The Fields Medal is awarded every four years at the International Congress of Mathematicians to four mathematicians under the age of 40 who have made groundbreaking contributions in mathematics. Professor Colbert expertly explained the work of one of the Fields Medal recipients, Professor James Maynard of Oxford University, who was awarded the prize for his work in analytical number theory focusing on gaps between prime numbers. Thank you, Cory, for an excellent talk!
Dates and Deadlines
First pre-tenure review letters from Department Heads due - Dean
Mini-grant proposals due to Department/Program Head
Undergraduate Faculty Meeting
4:00pm - Stackhouse
Winter Academy December 12-15
Register here:
Department/Program Head Mini-Grant Submission due to Dean
Final fall 2022 grades due at noon for all undergraduates - Registrar
College Faculty Activities Report
University Faculty Meeting - 4:00pm - Stackhouse
Winter Classes Begin
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - Classes suspended
Deadline for proposals to be included in the 23-24 University Catalog - C&D
Deadline to confirm final Spring 2023 course offering requested - Registrar
Undergraduate Fall 2023 course offerings requested - Registrar
Department & Program Heads meeting - 4:00pm - Hillel 101
Lenfest Grant application due for summer 2023
More info here:
Summer Research Scholar applications due for summer 2023
Apply here:
About the CollegeFor FacultyFor StaffContact Info
Washington and Lee University
The Office of the Dean of the College
Lexington, Virginia 24450
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