April 2023
A Note from the Dean
Dear Colleagues,
Best wishes for a smooth end to another successful Winter term! The resilient campus tulips are popping and still standing despite the high winds of the weekend.
At this high point of the academic year, we don't want your involvement to go unnoticed. As always, we are grateful for all that you do as academic citizens here on campus and within your professional communities. You are serving on committees and task forces, hiring more and more, reviewing books, refereeing journal articles, organizing conferences, mentoring students and colleagues, and much more. Every minute counts; your expertise counts. Thank you, a million times, thank you. A much deserved break is on the way in the weeks ahead.
May we all enjoy many sunny days,
Do you work with or know some amazing people at W&L?
Do you know someone who's accomplishing great things? Take the time to show them your appreciation by submitting their name and info to The Office of Communications and Public Affairs. If selected, the person may be featured in the Employee Accolades portion of The Columns Weekly newsletter. W&L is filled with amazing people, let's tell each other all about them!
Dates and Deadlines
Deadline to Proof Final Summer 2023 Term Section Details
Undergraduate Faculty Meeting
4:00pm - Stackhouse
Coffee with the Dean
10:00am - Simpson House
Coffee with the Dean
1:00pm - Simpson House
Department and Program Heads Meeting
4:00pm - Harte Center (Leyburn 119)
Summer Research Collaboration Grant Applications Due to
Dean’s office
Manuscript Completion Workshop Applications Due to
Dean’s office
Final Winter 2023 Grades Due to at Noon for All Undergraduates
Undergraduate Spring Term Study Abroad 2024 course proposals due to C&D Committee (New and Revised Courses Only)
Undergraduate Faculty Meeting
4:00pm - Stackhouse
About the CollegeFor FacultyFor StaffContact Info
Washington and Lee University
The Office of the Dean of the College
Lexington, Virginia 24450
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