Dear Colleagues, |
We are finally emerging into the quirky Springtime of Lexington, with days warm enough for porch meetings again. [No jinx.] |
We have a great deal to celebrate! Already this year, our students are racking up accomplishments in fellowships, study abroad and community based learning experiences, the arts, and athletics. You are bringing excellence to the classroom, producing scholarly and creative work, and devoting yourselves to academic citizenship. This does not go unnoticed and we are grateful for you every day here at W&L. |
Our final two endowed chair lectures will be on March 14 at 6pm in the Harte Center Collaboration Gallery (Leyburn 128) with Edward Adams (Smith Term Professor of English) and on March 22 at 6pm in Chavis 105 with Alan McRae (Cincinnati Professor of Mathematics). Please join us to learn more about what these colleagues do so very well and to congratulate them on this honor. |
We hope you had a restorative Washington Break and are ready to push through the second half of the term. You've got this. |
Best wishes, |
Pencil this in! SSA March 17 & 18 |
Science, Society, and the Arts is W&L's own research symposium during which students have the opportunity to present their work in the form of poster presentations, lectures, and visual and performing arts showcases. Each SSA includes a keynote speaker, and this year that speaker is Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich, who is an Irish musician and activist. Our St. Patrick's Day theme includes a fish and chips lunch and a showing of the documentary Camino Voyage in which Mr. Beaglaoich stars. Find more info here. |
DATE CHANGE: Allyship for All in the Workplace |
Join CPD Senior Associate Director and Diversity Initiatives Lead Lorri Olán P'17 for a discussion with Lee Dyer, inaugural Director of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) at James Madison University and owner of E. Lee Dyer Consulting Group. |
This program is designed to prepare ALL students for the world of work. Lee will demystify what it means to be an "ally" and discuss why allyship at school, work, and in life is important. As such, he will clarify commonly used terms, explain challenges some underrepresented people may face, and identify best practices for how we can all partner in fostering a more diverse and inclusive workplace as allies and co-conspirators. This is an interactive session with time for Q&A. |
Encourage your students to attend. |
New Date - Thursday, March 2 at 7:00 pm | Harte Center (Leyburn Library 119) |
Register on Handshake |
Do you work with or know some amazing people at W&L? |
Do you know someone who's accomplishing great things? Take the time to show them your appreciation by submitting their name and info to The Office of Communications and Public Affairs. If selected, the person may be featured in the Employee Accolades portion of The Columns Weekly newsletter. W&L is filled with amazing people, let's tell each other all about them! |
Spring Term Study Abroad 2024 Course Proposals Due to International Ed Committee |
Deadline to Proof Final Fall 2023 Term Section Details - Registrar |
University Faculty Meeting 4:00pm - Stackhouse |
Department and Program Heads Meeting 4:00pm - Hillel 101 |
March 20-27 Initial Undergraduate Fall 2023 Registration |
College Faculty Meeting 4:00pm - Stackhouse |
Undergraduate Faculty Meeting 4:00pm - Stackhouse |