Mid-March 2023 
Mid-Month Update
College Faculty Meeting Cancelled
The March 27th College Faculty meeting has been cancelled. Enjoy your spring day!
Sessions on Burnout from the Harte Center
Friday, 24 March, 12-1:30: Burnout Resilience in Challenging Times—Guest Scholar, Dr. Rebecca Pope-Ruark, Georgia Tech
The last three years have been challenging, to say the very least, and the ongoing trauma of the pandemic and shake-ups on our campuses have impacted faculty, staff, and students. Many faculty and academic staff were on the edge of burnout before 2020, and the swings between in-person to remote and back again have tested the coping skills of the strongest faculty members. In this workshop, we will explore what burnout is, how to recognize it, and how to approach your work through the lenses of purpose and connection to spark burnout resilience.
Friday, 24 March, 3-4:30: Burnout and Balance for Mid-Career Faculty—Guest Scholar, Dr. Rebecca Pope-Ruark, Georgia Tech
Academic work, especially at mid-career, can feel like a juggling act that never ends, and chronic stress can lead directly to burnout. Between teaching, research, service, mentoring, leadership, and the other kinds of often hidden labor, finding time and mental space for the work that is important but perhaps not urgent can be a major challenge. In this workshop, we'll discuss burnout and its causes, explore the idea of "work-work balance," and develop strategies for managing the often competing demands that arise in academic work.
Sign up for these events here.
Do you work with or know some amazing people at W&L?
Do you know someone who's accomplishing great things? Take the time to show them your appreciation by submitting their name and info to The Office of Communications and Public Affairs. If selected, the person may be featured in the Employee Accolades portion of The Columns Weekly newsletter. W&L is filled with amazing people, let's tell each other all about them!
Dates and Deadlines
Office Hours for Department and Program Heads at Simpson House 4:00-5:00pm
Department and Program Heads are welcome to visit with Fred, Genelle, Kevin and Chawne who will be available for an open office hour at Simpson House from 4-5pm.
March 20-27 Initial Undergraduate Fall 2023 Registration
Undergraduate Faculty Meeting 4:00pm - Stackhouse
About the CollegeFor FacultyFor StaffContact Info
Washington and Lee University
The Office of the Dean of the College
Lexington, Virginia 24450
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