November 2022 
A Note from the Dean
Dear Colleagues,
What a spectacular show nature has given us this Autumn! It's good to reflect on that on a hazy grey morning like this one today.
This has been a wonderful semester of honoring the research that our colleagues do. We have heard from Genelle Gertz, in her endowed chair talk, about poetic mystics. And we look forward to Rebecca Benefiel's endowed chair talk about graffiti in ancient Pompeii, on Thursday, November 10 in Stackhouse Theater at 5pm. Three more endowed chair talks are set up for Winter term. Stay tuned!
Thanks for all you do to mentor our students and help us pursue our mission day to day. A well-deserved break is on the way.
Best wishes,
Cory Colbert, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, will present this year's Mathematics Field Medal recipients.
You will learn about this year's best work in mathematics with particular emphasis on the work of James Maynard in analytic number theory, which has led to major advances in the understanding of the structure of prime numbers and in Diophantine approximation.
The talk will be highly interactive with 20 minutes for the talk and plenty of time for questions and discussion.                                           Hope to see you there! 
November 16, 1:30 – 2:30 pm - Harte Center 128
Thank you Tom for the Nobel symposium lecture on the Physics prize                                                                                                                                                 Tom Marcais gave the Nobel symposium lecture on the Physics prize awarded jointly to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger for their experiments in verifying quantum entanglement. The lecture drew a large crowd of students, faculty, and staff to the Harte Center and stimulated several questions and discussions afterward. Tom will be giving another lecture on Quantum Computing at 4pm on November 3rd in Science Addition A114.
Dates and Deadlines
Faculty sabbatical leave applications with letter of support from Department Head and Dean due to Provost
UG Textbook Adoptions due November 1st University Store
Textbook adoptions for the UG Winter Term and Spring Term are due NEXT WEEK! Submit your textbook adoptions ASAP to ensure that your books are available in time for classes.
University Faculty Meeting
Initial registration, undergraduate winter 2023 due November 7-14
Deadline for spring 2023 course proposals C&D
College Faculty Meeting
University Holidays
November 23 - 25
Department & Program Heads meeting
Hillel 101
First pre-tenure review letters from Department Heads due to Dean
Last day of Fall term classes
Final fall 2022 grades due at noon for all undergraduates
About the CollegeFor FacultyFor StaffContact Info
Washington and Lee University
The Office of the Dean of the College
Lexington, Virginia 24450
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