October 2024
A Note from the Dean
Dear Colleagues,
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, I am grateful for the relative safety of friends and family who were in the path of the storm and look forward to supporting rebuilding efforts in the region. We hope that you and yours are doing similarly well and thriving.
Several departments and programs this year are either following up on or hosting external reviews. I see the hard work you are doing to prepare self-studies, make yourselves available to the reviewers, and then respond to their reports. The reports always begin with high praise for what we are doing here; we have a strong foundation for our work. And then we get some creative advice on how to incrementally improve. I look forward to our work together in the coming months and years to keep striving for greater excellence.
Now in my fourth year, the rhythm of the year is familiar. We have begun anew with Fall Academy and welcoming our newcomers and Young Alumni,…and now the parents and families will join us for a weekend. I look forward to a visit from our Science Advisory Board and the Shepherd Advisory Board in November to celebrate our accomplishments and look to the future of our programs.
Thanks, as always, for all that you do for our students and our colleagues. We are each an invaluable contributor to our educational mission.
Best wishes,
The William R. Kenan Jr. Endowed Professorship awarded to Julie Woodzicka on Oct 8, 2024: 5:30pm in Northen Auditorium
"I know what I'd do": Exploring Imagined Versus Actual Behavior in Stressful Situations
The Robert W. Root '42 Endowment Lecture by Carl Hart on Oct 16, 2024 at 5:00pm in Stackhouse
"Drug Use, Misuse and Science-based, Rational Drug Policy"
Afrique en Cirque Dance Master Class
West African percussion and traditional dance from New Guinea visited Professor Jenefer Davies' class on September 25th.
Update from the Provost Office on Implementation of Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPoT)
We, in the Provost Office, are excited to implement the new Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPoT) for course evaluations this year.  As a reminder, last Winter and Spring 2024, the faculty approved a series of motions calling for this new student course evaluation form – the SPoT – and process to be used across the College and Williams School.  However, given the relatively limited amount of time between final faculty approval of the program, the vendor selection process, and the kick-off meeting with the vendor which occurred last week, there is not enough time to implement the SPoT properly this term.  So, in consultation with the SPoT committee from last year (Julie Woodzicka, Karla Murdock, Art Goldsmith, Dan Johnson, Lisa Greer, and Toni Locy), along with ITS, we think it best to implement the program in Winter Term 2025.  For this term, please continue with the course evaluation system you currently have in place and please look forward to receiving more information on the SPoT program and its implementation in the coming weeks.
Religious Holiday Policy
Washington and Lee University values diverse religious perspectives and beliefs. Our students celebrate and value a variety of religious traditions. We are committed to supporting our students in observing their religious holidays, while also maintaining their commitment to their academic efforts.
As stipulated in the Faculty Handbook, apart from absences for observance of religious holidays, faculty may set their own attendance policies and have discretion to designate absences for other reasons as "excused" or "unexcused" based upon their professional judgement." (Revised policy approved by the faculty January 7, 2019)
Find the full religious holiday policy here. In particular Rosh Hashanah Oct 2 (sundown) - Oct 4 and Yom Kippur Oct 11 (sundown) - Oct 12.
Free Performances, Workshops, and Conference Funding for the American Shakespeare Center
Be sure to take advantage of the very last year of free performances for your classes, and free visits/workshops (Core Curriculum (including playhouse tours and critical debriefings after performances) and Leadership Modules (including training on impact of breath, voice and nonverbal communication) for your classes from the American Shakespeare Center. As members of the ASC Consortium, W&L faculty and students have all of these programs available to them. To request tickets or workshops, email Aubrey Whitlock, Associate Director of Education at the American Shakespeare Center, with your request and copy Genelle Gertz. (Since this is offered free through our consortium membership, you do not need to request a mini-grant for ASC programming).
Here is the full 2024 Season; performances this fall include:
July 18 - Nov 23: Macbeth, July 25 - Oct 20: The Importance of Being Earnest, Sept 12- Nov 23: The Merry Wives of Win dsor, Oct 17-Nov 24: Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors
You can also request class visits centered around the ASC Core Curriculum or Leadership Modules. You can also request a tailored workshop; for instance, if you are having students study any aspect of a trial, you can request a workshop on performative aspects of trial.
***Please note that you can reserve tickets for Winter Term 2025 now, by writing Aubrey Whitlock and copying Genelle Gertz. Otherwise, all funding for ASC performances and workshops ENDS December 31st, 2024.***
Do you work with or know some amazing people at W&L?
Know someone who's accomplishing great things? Take the time to show them your appreciation by submitting their name and info to The Office of Communications and Public Affairs. If selected, the person may be featured in the Employee Accolades portion of The Columns Weekly newsletter. W&L is filled with amazing people, let's tell each other all about them!
Dates and Deadlines
Sabbatical Leave Reports AY23-24 Due
Assurance of Learning reports due for previous year (fall deadline; if not submitted on summer deadline)
Dean and Associate Director of Assessment
Rosh Hashanah Oct 2 (sundown) - Oct 4
Undergraduate Faculty Meeting
Stackhouse, 4:10pm
The William R. Kenan Jr. Endowed Professorship awarded to Julie Woodzicka
5:30pm/Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - Northen Auditorium
"I know what I'd do": Exploring Imagined Versus Actual Behavior in Stressful Situations
Deadline to confirm final undergraduate winter 2025 section details
Yom Kippur Oct 11 (sundown) - Oct 12
Two-year course planning spreadsheets due to Dean's Office
mailto: fgiraldopradodelewis@wlu.edu
2024 Lenfest grant reports due
Root Lecture: Carl Hart "Drug Use, Misuse and Science-based, Rational Drug Policy”
Stackhouse, 5:00pm
Department and Program Heads Meeting
Leyburn 119 at 4:10pm
Midterm grades due for all undergraduates new to W&L this fall and upper-division students on academic probation
Oct. 28-Nov. 5 Initial registration, undergraduate winter 2025
Initial departmental approval to teach STA for spring 2026
International Education Committee via Initial Request Form
2025-26 Faculty Sabbatical Leave Applications with letter of support from Department Head and Dean
These are submitted in Watermark via an email invite for those that are eligible for leave
University Faculty Meeting
Stackhouse at 4:10pm
Undergraduate spring 2025 course offerings requested
Deadline for spring 2025 course proposals
Summer Research Scholar Applications for summer 2025 - round 1
Department and Program Heads Meeting
Hillel 101, 4:10pm
The H. Laurent Boetsch Jr. Term Professorship in International Education awarded to Mohamed Kamara
5:00pm/Hillel 101
“Reconceptualizing Humanitarianism”
About the CollegeFor FacultyFor StaffContact Info
Washington and Lee University
The Office of the Dean of the College
Lexington, Virginia 24450
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