September 2022 
A Note from the Dean
Welcome back, colleagues!
Summer break is waning, the days are feeling shorter, and the campus is filling back up with people. Hooray! I am hopeful that this will be another great year at W&L.
We'll get a chance to learn more about our new faculty on September 12 at 4pm during the University Faculty meeting, but I wanted to give you some names so you can warmly welcome them at events in the coming weeks.
Our new tenure track assistant professors: Christopher Brown (Anthropology), Wendy Castenell (Art History), Lubabah Chowdhury (English), Nathan Dean (Law, Justice, and Society), Avvirin Gray (English),  Romina Green (History), Jared Macary (Strategic Communications), Thomas McClain (Physics), Kristina Roney (French), Holly Shablack (Cognitive and Behavioral Science), Emma Steinkraus (Art), Angela Sun (Philosophy), and Patrick Walters (Journalism).
Our new full-time visiting assistant professors: Leslie Anderson (French), Michael Berlin (English and the Writing Program), Mia Brett (History), Emma Brobeck (Classics), Kumudu Gamage (Mathematics), Jacob Gibson (Cognitive and Behavioral Science), Matthew Lamb (Philosophy), Leah Lanier (Biology), Olivia Lott (Spanish), Emerson Lynch (Earth and Environmental Geoscience), Geoffrey Matthews (Computer Science), Nafeesa Monroe (Theater), Theresa Renker (Spanish), Jonathan Schacherer (Cognitive and Behavioral Science), Theodore Van Loan (Art History), Zuoting Wen (Chinese), Scott Williamson (Music), Steven Woodruff (Engineering), and Sean Wu (Physics).
And our two new postdoctoral fellows: Madhumita Chakraborty (Earth and Environmental Geoscience Postdoctoral Fellow) and Alexander Sutton (DeLaney Postdoctoral Fellow in the Shepherd Program).
Our new assistant professors in the Library are Mattie Clear (Archivist) and Brittany Norwood (Visiting Research Services Librarian). And the new assistant professors in Athletics are: Maddie Coleman (Head Coach of Women's Lacrosse), Dave Forman (Head Coach of Strength and Conditioning), Jimmie Johnson (Assistant Coach of Football), Tiffany Pins (Head Coach of Women's Soccer).
Best wishes for a wonderful year,
Fred, we're glad you're sticking around!
We're very happy to announce that Fred LaRiviere, Associate Dean of the College for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, has signed on to continue in his role with the Dean's Office for a second term. This is welcome news as Fred is doing an amazing job. Thanks, Fred!
Traveling abroad for a work related trip?
If you will be traveling out of the country for W&L related travel please make sure to contact the Dean's Office prior to your trip. W&L will provide you a medical insurance policy for the duration of your trip. The policy request must be submitted to the insurance company no later than 2 weeks prior to your departure date. Please give us plenty of notice so that we may have your policy in place and provide you with the needed proof prior to your departure. You can contact Erika Barajas at with any notifications of travel or questions you might have. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Headed to an in person Faculty meeting and don't have daycare arrangements?
As a benefit to faculty members, the Rockbridge Area YMCA is partnering with W&L to provide child care during faculty meetings for children ages 12 weeks through 12 years. Child care will be provided at the YMCA for University Faculty Meetings and Undergraduate Faculty Meetings (starting October 3, 2022, full list of dates are posted on the Registrar's website) from 3:30-6:00 pm. Fees are paid by the Office of Human Resources.
To register, please take the completed YMCA Stay & Play Registration Form with you on your first visit (registration paperwork is required annually for each child). Check in at the YMCA Welcome Desk (790 N. Lee Hwy), where photographs of both parent and child/ren will be taken (for security purposes only).
Parents may register up to two weeks prior to a meeting date, and at the latest, by THURSDAY, the week before a meeting date, to ensure the YMCA has adequate staffing. Parents may call the Y at 540-464-9622 to register their child(ren).
Any questions? Please contact Andrea Velasquez at
Dates and Deadlines
Academic Fair
Fall Convocation
5:30pm Front Lawn
First Year Reading Discussion
Undergraduate Fall Term Classes Begin
University Faculty Meeting
4:00pm Stackhouse
Department & Program Heads Meeting
4:00pm Hillel Room 101
C&D deadline for Winter 2023 course proposals
List of Senior class candidates being tracked for Honors in the Major due to University Registrar
Declaration of phased retirement beginning 2023-2024
Leave reports
About the CollegeFor FacultyFor StaffContact Info
Washington and Lee University
The Office of the Dean of the College
Lexington, Virginia 24450
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