September 2024
A Note from the Dean
Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year!
With September upon us, many of us have been back on campus for a couple of weeks engaging in enrichment activities in Fall Academy. It has become one of my favorite times of year. We get the excitement of meeting our newly hired faculty and staff while contemplating new teaching and curriculum ideas together.
We look forward to a great year of shared experiences and shared governance on campus. The University, Undergraduate, and College Faculty meetings are primary times for dialogue among all faculty in one space, for forging community and sometimes for discussing policy. The meeting dates are below, at 4:10pm in Stackhouse Theater, Elrod Commons. We have heard a rumor of snacks.
At our first University Faculty meeting on Monday, Sept 9 at 4:10pm in Stackhouse, we will introduce all the new faculty members in the university. Please join us to celebrate our new colleagues. A reception at Lee House follows the meeting.
We also look forward to seeing you at Convocation on Wednesday, Sept 4 at 5:30pm on the lawn in front of Washington Hall. The Speaker will be Roosevelt Montás, Senior Lecturer in American Studies and English, and Director of the Freedom and Citizenship Program at Columbia University.
Good luck with the finishing touches on your syllabi and with the dawn of this new academic year.
Best wishes,
Faculty Meeting Dates
Meeting Dates to Keep in Mind
University Faculty Meetings
Monday, September 9, 2024, 4:10 p.m.
Monday, November 4, 2024, 4:10 p.m.
Monday, January 13, 2025, 4:10 p.m.
Monday, March 10, 2025, 4:10 p.m.
Undergraduate Faculty Meetings
Monday, October 7, 2024, 4:10 p.m.
Monday, December 2, 2024, 4:10 p.m.
Monday, February 3, 2025, 4:10 p.m.
Monday, April 7, 2025, 4:10 p.m.
Monday, May 5, 2025, 4:10 p.m.
Tuesday, May 27, 2025, 4:10 p.m. (tentative)
All meetings are held in Stackhouse.
Look forward to seeing you there, sometimes there are cupcakes!
Religious Holiday Policy
Washington and Lee University values diverse religious perspectives and beliefs. Our students celebrate and value a variety of religious traditions. We are committed to supporting our students in observing their religious holidays, while also maintaining their commitment to their academic efforts.
As stipulated in the Faculty Handbook, "apart from absences for observance of religious holidays", faculty may set their own attendance policies and have discretion to designate absences for other reasons as "excused" or "unexcused" based upon their professional judgement." (Revised policy approved by the faculty January 7, 2019)
Find the full religious holiday policy here.
Generative AI Syllabus Statement Tool Now Available
Have you determined how generative AI tools like ChatGPT will be handled in your courses? It's crucial to proactively set expectations to maintain academic integrity.
We strongly recommend that every syllabus include an explicit statement regarding the use of generative AI tools in that course.
To facilitate this process, the Harte Center for Teaching and Learning & Academic Technologies has launched the Generative AI Syllabus Statement Tool. This interactive tool provides suggested language that you can implement as-is or adapt for your needs.
Reach out to JT Torres or Helen MacDermott, if you have any questions or need assistance.
ACS Program Offered to Current and Potential Department Heads
Department chairs are essential faculty leadership roles that influence and shape the institutional mission and student success. This year-long program will leverage a consortial approach to professional development and build community among participants while providing essential guidance, opportunities for self-reflection, and sharing of useful practices for effective leadership as a department chair.
The target audience is new or emerging department chairs, although experienced chairs may also benefit. The program is scaffolded to connect sessions and build community among participants who can provide peer-peer support ("co-mentoring") throughout and after the program. Chairs are encouraged to participate in all sessions, as much as their busy schedules allow.
Facilitators are experienced department chairs or other administrative leaders at ACS institutions who are committed to the program's goals. All group sessions will be planned and delivered by two co-facilitators, providing different insights and perspectives.
We anticipate sessions will occur on Thursdays from 3:30-4:45pm EST via Zoom, with topics including leadership style, department culture, data use, difficult conversations, self-care, and working with senior leadership. The registration link and more information can be found here.
ACS invites you to attend as many of the sessions as you like.
ACS is delighted to announce the call for applications for mentors and mentees for 2024-2025 FOC CONNECT - A Virtual Multi-Institutional Mentoring Program for Faculty of Color within the Associated Colleges of the South (ACS). This program provides one-on-one mentoring, professional development, and networking opportunities for early-career faculty of color. The program is committed to building relationships and creating an inclusive community.
At the link, you can find information about the program as well as the links for mentor and mentee applications - Here is the link to mentor and mentee applications for FOC CONNECT. The deadline to apply is Friday, August 30 (however delayed applications will be considered). We are inviting mentors and mentees from ACS institutions. Selected mentors will receive training and a stipend.
Reach out to Dr. Maha Zewail-Foote (, the program director, if you have any questions.
University Library Digital Archive Changing Platforms: Some disruption to access
The University Library is upgrading the Digital Archive and moving all digital collections to a new platform. From now until early October, access to the Digital Archive will be limited to on-campus use or off-campus use after W&L user authentication.
The majority of digital collections will be available upon launch in October, but we will continue to migrate collections through the fall term. All permalinks from the old system will redirect to the new system.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Paula Kiser, Digital Scholarship Librarian, at
Business Office Reminders
  • Please ask an administrative assistant in your department or program to submit expense reports on your behalf. An expense report must be submitted within 60 days after the conclusion of the trip.
  • Meals during travel are covered with a per diem allowance. Check Business Office Guidelines for per diem rate which varies. Do not use your PNC card to pay for meals while traveling.
  • An employee can be reimbursed for approved local dinners, such as with job candidates or outside visitors, up to $80 including tax and a 20% tip on the subtotal. An easy rule to follow: $60 in menu items corresponds to about $80 after tax and tip.
  • In order to receive reimbursement for professional conference travel, you must apply for and receive a Conference Travel Grant through the Office of the Dean of the College. We ask they you apply at least one month in advance of your trip. Funds are limited and funding is not guaranteed. You can find the application Dean of the College webpage.
The William R. Kenan Jr. Endowed Professorship awarded to Julie Woodzicka
Join us on October 8th at 5:00pm in Northen Auditorium as Julie Woodzicka presents "I know what I'd do": Exploring Imagined Versus Actual Behavior in Stressful Situations: How we think we will respond to stressful situations is often different from how we actually respond. Professor Woodzicka will explore this disconnect, focusing on imagined versus actual confrontation of sexism. Woodzicka will examine reasons for the misalignment, along with consequences of wrongly anticipating your own behavior in stressful situations.
Do you work with or know some amazing people at W&L?
Know someone who's accomplishing great things? Take the time to show them your appreciation by submitting their name and info to The Office of Communications and Public Affairs. If selected, the person may be featured in the Employee Accolades portion of The Columns Weekly newsletter. W&L is filled with amazing people, let's tell each other all about them!
Dates and Deadlines
Convocation at 5:30pm
On the front lawn, dinner to follow.
First Day of Classes
University Faculty Meeting
Stackhouse Theater at 4:10pm
Undergraduate winter 2025 course offerings due
Submit to Registrar
Department & Program Heads Meeting
Hillel 101 at 4:10pm
Deadline for winter 2025 course proposals
Submit to C&D
List of senior-class candidates being tracked for Honors in the Major
Submit to Registrar
Phased Retirement Declarations due beginning AY25-26
Submit to Dean
Sabbatical Leave Reports AY23-24 Due
Assurance of Learning reports due for previous year (fall deadline; if not submitted on summer deadline)
Dean and Associate Director of Assessment
Rosh Hashanah Oct 2 (sundown)- Oct 4
Undergraduate Faculty Meeting
Stackhouse, 4:10pm
The William R. Kenan Jr. Endowed Professorship awarded to Julie Woodzicka
5:00pm/Tuesday, October 8, 2024 - Northen Auditorium
"I know what I'd do": Exploring Imagined Versus Actual Behavior in Stressful Situations
Deadline to confirm final undergraduate winter 2025 section details
Submit to Registrar
Yom Kippur Oct 11 (sundown)- Oct 12
Two-year course planning spreadsheets due to Dean's Office
2024 Lenfest grant reports due
Root Lecture: Carl Hart "Drug Use, Misuse and Science-based, Rational Drug Policy”
Stackhouse, 5:00pm
About the CollegeFor FacultyFor StaffContact Info
Washington and Lee University
The Office of the Dean of the College
Lexington, Virginia 24450
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